Sunday 7 October 2007

Nats Night Out - "Im a well better course rep than you'

We managed to get a fair few people out for the second Friday night drinking session of course 213. I was certainly happy with the turnout until Paul noted it was actually people who lived on Westby Road and me.Keith, Thom and I decided to have our own conversation, seeing as Joe, (on the right) persistently cut us out of the conversation be levering his large head between us and the other members of the group. Keith doesn't look happy about the situation. Thom just looks distraught.
Ross, (on the right) tried to have a quiet word with Joe about his head ambushing conversations.
Alas Ross isn't the most tactful of chaps and his advice was rebuffed. The distance between them is one of the most saddening things Ive ever seen. Although Ross doesnt seem too upset.
Paul and Keith decided to buy some Leffe
Paul told me a story about going to the Leffe factory and being told the belgians 'Dont get out of bed for 8%' This is compared to me who cant get out of bed after 8%. Either way Keith seemed to enjoy it.
Joe hadn't heeded the warnings and continued to frustrate everybody with his animated head, note the jaded look on Paul and Adrians faces.
Not Richy though, he couldnt get enough of Joe's enthusiasm, and posed for this romantic snap.
I decided to go and help Ross and company on the quizzer. Ross is a bit of a general knowledge buff so i sensed a money win. We were playing 100-1, where you start on 100 and the aim is to get to zero, as I remember we never got below about 80.
This maybe because Ross ran the operation with all the grace of Hitlers SS. His tactic appeared to be to press the right answer if he knew it, and to guess if he didnt, before anyone else had even read the question.
Never did one man decide so much for so many.
Out of nowhere an argument erupted over who was the best course rep. Adrian is rep for 'A' Group and Joe for 'B' Group. We had a vote on it. Seeing as the course rep actually does pretty much nothing I didnt understand it. I voted Adrian, because I am in 'A' Group.Turns out everyone voted for Adrian. He was over the moon.
Joe lost.
I chatted to Nathan for a bit. He had his chest hair out. He was looking dangerous.
But he can go from dangerous to camp in 0.8 seconds.
I just looked dangerously camp. I have an angels glow on my face. Paul doesn't. Angels dont like Brummies.
It appears that Thom is divulging via phone the funniest thing thats ever been heard. Its made Keith very emotional. Interestingly it was the light from Thoms phone which caused me to have such a white angelface in the last picture. Maybe.
Attention turned to where we were going to go next. Richy, Joe and I wanted to try somewhere other than Walkabout.
I suggested Bliss and Richy seemed enthusiastic.
Adrian, Thom and Keith seem convinced...
...and then a spanner enters the works...
Ross explains that hes already told Kevin we are all going Walkabout, which is where Kev is now, having paid in.
After a brief discussion it was decided we should go to Walkabout, although Ross said he would try somewhere else next week.
We set off for Walkabout, via the cash machine. Adrian spotted some scaffolding he could do pullups on.
Joe tried to copy him but had no upper body strength. He pretty much just dangled there.
This was his end result, captured mid-fall. His hands arent bothering breaking his fall, just hiding his shame. Nathan claimed this photo was the 'best ever taken'
Joes physical prowess appeared to scare these slags away.
Keith wouldn't do pull ups, so I asked him to 'look dangerous'. This was his result.
On the way, Nathan dared Joe to jump in a pile of binbags. Joe, never one to duck a challenge, complied.
As you can see from the next two photos, the syringe which stuck up his backside certainly didn't contain sedatives.
Unfortunately I ran out of battery, it was probably worn out by Joes exuberance.
Michelle hated Walkabout so much Richy had to tell her it would all be okay.
Im not sure whether Joe ever managed to filter those E numbers out of his system, find out next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Genius. Good job the battery ran out before we got to Walkabout. All pictorial evidence from there can only have caused upset and misery. Especially for those of us who ended up punching walls and getting thrown out.