Wednesday 11 April 2007

Trip to the Dentist

After much calling around, a trip to the emergency dentist was sorted out. I get a little nervous about the dentist, but nowhere near as bad as some. I had 3 appointments with pain.
I left home like Jimmy Somerville in 'Small Town Boy' nervous and afraid of what lay ahead away from the familiar terraces.
I think this is the ultimate, glass half full/empty metaphor. Look at the pavement. If you are optimistic is is flower petals, if you are pessimistic its chewing gum. There is also a football bush in the garden.
Whereas this big oaf of a bush defies explanation.
I got into Altrincham. I was hungry, but I don't think you are supposed to fill your teeth with food pre-dentist. I compromised and had a pizza hut buffet.
45 minutes later.
I decided to have a little wander round, had a peer into Game to see if my mate was in, he wasn't but i saw his scrawl on a board outside. This is the worst advertising I have ever seen. The X box in the Playstation square just tops off the masterpiece. Why is it there?
No thank you Stephen, not now anyway. I have bigger toothfish to fry. This is just as bad. All I can imagine is a red faced man, fist clenched, screaming and spitting about the design layout and typeface of his Ticket.
For the record I dislike both.
Why the United theme? Because my dentists is near Old Trafford. Satisfied? Here is my dentists even if you are unsatisfied.
No blogging in here thankyou very much.
I had 2 fillings, one without anesthetic because they cant numb both sides of my face. This is because I am a hardman. I needed retail therapy.
As therapy should never be filmed here ends this sermon. I can heavily recommend Topman's new collection though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the ps3 advertising, so stereotypically english. Confirms the theory that to achieve anything in this world all you need is a pencil and a piece of paper!